Situated in the north eastern Mediterranean basin, Cyprus is the third largest island, with an area of 9,251 square kilometers (3,572 square miles).
Banking hours for the public: Monday-Friday: 08:30 - 1:30 also Monday (winter period) 15:15-16:45. Centrally located banks provide afternoon tourist services. Banks at Larnaca and Pafos international Airports also provide services throughout the day, as well as a night service for most flights. A number of automatic exchange machines operate on a 24hrs basis in central places of all towns. Hotels, large shops and garages usually accept travelers cheques and major credit cards.
Climate, Weather Forecast Temperatares
Cyprus enjoys an intense Mediterranean climate, with long dry summers from mild-May to mid-October and with mild winders from December to February which are separated by short autumn and spring seasons. Summer is a season of high temperatures with cloudless skies, but the sea breeze creates a pleasant atmosphere in coastal areas. Winters are mild with some rain and snow on Troodos Mountains (usually starting before Christmas). Even in December and January, there is an average of six hours of bright sunshine per day. The island of Cyprus enjoys constant sunshine throughout the year.